Attended staff meeting yesterday at W 5th. yesterday. I always come away from our staff meetings excited and confused. We were making graduation plans-how exciting! It is so wonderful to be part of such a monumental  event for our students. I am also excited about some changes we are making in regards to paper work and tracking. This will give me a chance to use my Excel skills a bit, it will help us better serve you-the students. I also came away a bit confused as to who needs copies of what-in regards to student test/work, but Dee will get me straightened out.  This is an exciting time of year at W 5th! I hope you are feeling the excitement and I hope you have come back from spring break renewed and ready to learn.  If you are looking for the vocabulary words for the week of 5/2-5/5 please go to the Reading, Social Studies, & Science page! Enjoy your weekend-I'll see you on Monday
5/1/2011 11:09:53 am

I will try to help keep you straight! :)

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